Sunday 13 October 2013

Nom nom

So just a little silly post, my cat likes pasta apparently...

darlingkristina xo

Saturday 13 April 2013

Hey everyone!

Want to hear about my latest obbsession?


The last couple of weeks i have started going to Bikram Yoga session and it is AMAZING. What is Bikham yoga? Well, basically, extreme yoga in extreme heat. I think there definition is 40 degree heat, 26 postures, 2 breathing exercises, 90 minuets. 

My experience so far

The first time i went was a complete shock, however, after making myself go back i am so pleased that i decided to try it. The first time I went I was overwhelmed before I even got there, you have to drink a couple of litres of water before class, bring all sorts of bits, and it is just fairly scary. During the first class I did honestly think I was going to faint during the standing exercises, fortunately the instructor was really kind and told anyone to sit down if they felt overwhelmed (everyone feels overwhelmed the first time).

After going back though I have noticed that I have more energy, am more productive, i am more toned and my flexibility has improved. All a big thumbs up for me to keep going!

Thats all for now!

Kristina xo