Friday, 30 January 2015

My Heath Kick - Week One

After the new year starting not so great (hello rotten cold) I realised I really needed to start my ‘heath kick’. To me this isn’t a diet, it’s more of a lifestyle that I’ve slowly been getting used to the idea of and starting small, and finally I’ve got to the point where it all needs to come together. 

My main focuses are:

  • gluten-free - I’ve been gluten-free for just under a year now after being diagnosed celiac which really kick started this whole thing
  • refined sugar-free - the more I read, the more this is a ‘drug’ and it needs to go
  • possibly dairy/ lactose-free - I have currently cut them out, and I am adding in one portion of one  type of dairy to see how my body reacts (after all you’re body is you tour guide). So far I know that cows milk and yogurt are a no-no
  • general bye-bye to processed and refined produce
  • improved activity level
  • reduction in the amount of meat I eat and only then from high quality sources

This week

This week has gone a well as I could have wanted. 

I’ve had no refined sugar at all, which is great, although I have had a far few cravings which I’ve been satisfying with medjool dates and almond butter (nomnom), the dates are so chewy (especially compared to those truly dried dates you can buy) and the almond butter rich, its just a-mazing. 

I’ve had no cravings for fizzy drinks, which I think was helped that I’d majority reduced the quantity in the last few months, ice-cold water with some lemon or lime is what I’m reaching for now. 

I tried greek yogurt as my ‘test’ for the week, and the results where a definite no, sluggish, nausea  and a gurgling tummy say no no yogurt. 

I completed five sessions of yoga (fitstar yoga) at home, one session every morning. I also walked the dogs for a total of 11.43 miles. 

A typical days looks a bit like this:

-Fruit, spinach and nut butter smoothie
-Yoga session 
-Dog walk
-Lunch - normally leftovers, or salad (proper salad with nuts, avocados, lots of spinach and rocket)
-Snack of nuts/ fruit/ medjool dates with nut butter
-Dinner - vegetable soup / lentil & butternut squash dhal / quinoa with vegetables and guacamole / sweet potato wedges, veg, and hummus. 

All homemade, including sauces and dressings! 

So overall its been a good week!

Monday, 26 January 2015

Hows your new years fitness program going?

The end of January is approaching (gah already!?), so that means time to look back on what we've done to start those new years resolutions and how to progress from here (if you've had a bad start, don't worry, you've got 11 more months). 

I thought I'd put out some super easy tips for the most common new years resolution - heath and fitness. 

1) Drink more. 

Now I don't mean alcohol or sugar filled drinks (and sugar replacements). Water is key. Our body is 70% water, we need it to function. Drinking water boosts brain function and energy, improves your skin complexing and helps your immune system. 

Get a glass water bottle to carry around, this really reminds me to drink more thought the day

If you really don't like the taste of water, try herbal tea bags (hot or iced), and slice fruit in your water and allow it to infuse for an hour or so and hey presto flavoured water!

2) Move. 

Any resolution of going to the gym/running five times a week is basically setting yourself up to fail (unless you really do enjoy that and then congratulations)! Find something you enjoy - walking, dancing, swimming, trampling, yoga, a light jog with a friend. Anything that you enjoy enough to do it again. You body loves to move, even if you don't feel like it, most of the time, afterwards you'll be glad you did. 

There are some great apps on your iPhone that measure how many steps you take in a day, yoga apps and mini fitness routines. These can help encourage you. Youtube also has some great videos (I recommend blogilates). 

Get fit with Fido (or Fluffy). Pet obesity is rising at an alarming rate, so if you have a dog (or your friend does) make sure you both get out the house everyday, you'll both benefit from it (plus Fido might not destroy your stuff as much). Win win win. 

3) Count goodness not calories. 

Harsh reality, cutting calories but still eating processed rubbish (even white pasta and bread is processed) is never going to be a long term solution. You need to do your research on health foods, they need to make up the majority of your diet eventually. 

Start small, add extra veg, switch to brown rice, quinoa and brown rice pasta.

Smoothies in the morning with some spinach, lots of fruit and some superfoods, really can set you up for the day.